What Dispensationalism Is Not, Part 3
Posted by Matt Postiff May 17, 2010 on Matt Postiff's Blog under Dispensationalism
Another thing is not a necessary part of the dispensational system of belief:
15. A particular study Bible or Bible version. I'm thinking here of the Scofield Reference Bible, in either the 1909 or 1917 KJV editions, the 1967 KJV edition with word changes, or the 1989 NKJV edition. I think some folks believe that dispensationalists are Scofield-carrying types. To be sure, some are. But that doesn't mean they embrace everything that Scofield taught. And, there are better study Bibles with better study notes and cross-references. An NIV Study Bible or ESV Study Bible (as strange as that may seem!) can be just as useful to the dispensationalist. So, don't let the study Bible or Bible version someone is carrying trick you.