How to Ruin Children
Posted by Matt Postiff November 13, 2013 on Matt Postiff's Blog under Society
Some more "anti-advice."
How to Ruin Children, starting at 39:08
- Don't discipline them when they do wrong.
- Allow them to get away with disobedience, rebellion, and disrespect.
- Don't teach them to work hard and don't let them get a job until the last possible minute.
- Do their work for them.
- Do not teach them manners.
- Give them everything they want.
- Let them play lots of video games to fill their minds with violence and become accustomed to the feeling of addiction.
- Encourage them to communicate with others only through text messages.
- Teach them that church is not very important. In fact, teach them that other things like sports and school and entertainment are more important.
- Do not teach them their Biblical role in life and home.
- Do not teach or live out the gospel in front of them.