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More Verses for "I Sing the Mighty Power of God"

Posted by Matt Postiff November 21, 2013 on Matt Postiff's Blog under Church 

Last year, I mentioned to our congregation that the Isaac Watts hymn "I Sing the Mighty Power of God" seemed to be lacking in that it focuses on general revelation in creation, but does not address the power of God in salvation. I was particularly thinking of Ephesians 1:19:

And what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power.

So I asked if someone might compose a verse for the hymn that would fill in this gap.

The result of the work of two our our church members can be found in this PDF file which you are welcome to use in your church and personal worship if you so desire.

Their verses are:

I thank you, God, that in your plan I would become your own
Foreknown before the world began to bow before your throne.
So greater still than all your lands, the sun, the sky, the sea
Is resting safely in your hands for all eternity.

I sing the mercy of our God who conquered sin and death.
He sent to earth His only Son to suffer in our stead.
I sing the love of Christ our Lord who gave His life for us,
That we may stand before the throne redeemed, victorious.

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