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A Little Family History

Posted by Matt Postiff May 4, 2017 on Matt Postiff's Blog under GeneralĀ 

I have published a new life testimony by Eduard Suderman.

Translated from German in 1981, it was originally written in 1913, when Mr. Suderman was 80 years old. It comes to about 17 typewritten pages, about 7500 words. Eduard Suderman is my great-great grandfather. The translator was Anna Suderman, my grandmother's sister, who was a missionary to India. I believe she served under the Mennonite Brethren there.

I found several notable portions from the autobiography:

  • His sensitivity to sin, particularly around and after the time of his salvation at age 40.
  • His views of alcohol.
  • The fact that church meetings happened on Sundays and Wednesdays.
  • His Mennonite heritage .
  • His view of the Catholic religion as empty forms and rituals.
  • His desire for prayer and real fellowship with like-minded believers.
  • The importance of prayer.

I am thankful for a godly heritage that was passed down to my grandmother, and to my father. A home with two Christian parents was a great advantage to me.

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