Triune Hymns
Posted by Matt Postiff February 7, 2019 on Matt Postiff's Blog under Theology Music
A couple of weeks back, I asked the congregation if anyone would like to search our hymnal to find as many "Triune" hymns as they could find. That is, hymns that refer to all three members of the Trinity. This was timely because we have been going through a series on Sunday evenings on the Christian teaching of the Trinity. One of our members came up with this list (page number in Rejoice Hymns):
- I will Praise Him (5)
- Father, I Adore You (repetitive, 6)
- Come Thou, Almighty King (9)
- Doxology (14)
- Glorify Thy Name (repetitive, 16)
- Holy God, we Praise Thy Name (37)
- Be Thou Exalted (57)
- Praise Ye the Triune God (66)
- God is Holy (83)
- Holy, Holy, Holy (85)
- Holy is the Lord (89)
- Saved by the Blood (375)
- Eternal Father, Strong to Save (518)
- Glory Be to the Father (572, 573)
- The Church's One Foundation (575)
Enjoy these hymns as you praise our great God!