From the Pulpit...
Walking in the Spirit - Jansen Lorch
The flesh and the Spirit are so contrary to one another that walking in the Spirit automatically excludes walking in the flesh. Although believers still experience fleshly desires, they will battle those desires rather than repeatedly indulging them. Over time, a Christian should increasingly bear the fruit of the Spirit and be more successful in his or her battle against sin. Walk is in the present tense, indicating a way of life. To walk in the Spirit is to have a daily habit of continual obedience. Paul challenges us to keep moving in the enabling power and work of the Holy Spirit. Freedom is not unrestrained behavior. A life of doing whatever we want, whenever we want, is in reality a life of bondage rather than freedom. The works of the flesh fall into three categories: 1) sensual sins 2) spiritual sins 3) social sins. These wicked deeds are clearly seen - evident to the eye and performed out in the open.