Livestream Sunday 9:45am 10:45am, 6pm; Wednesday 7:30pm

From the Pulpit...

The Betrayer - Matt Postiff

Audio from October 4, 2020 PM | John 13:18-30 | Reading: 2 Kings 22
Posted October 7, 2020 | Length: 00:51:56 | File size in bytes: 9348048

During this evenings service Pastor Matt has alluded to two applications on tonight's message: avoiding greed,and acknowledging that there are false disciples who are sometimes seem very close to the things of God. But we need to hone in on those ideas a little bit more. Those problems can be OURS. Some among us may be greedy. Some of us may be false disciples, willing to sell our church brothers and sisters for a few bucks or 15 minutes of fame. We need to check up on ourselves that we are genuinely in the faith. Pastor Matt is not trying to scare anyone unnecessarily. But if you need to be scared, be scared. While Jesus offers to cleanse you entirely by his cross-work and wash your feet daily, do you sit there like a stone and ignore your conscience? (Like Judas did when his feet were washed?) Do you think you shall escape divine judgment because of your attendance at religious functions? Do you think you’ll be okay because of your parents faith? Or because you are a “pretty good” person? None of that is the gospel of Jesus Christ!

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Thursday 06-02-2025 18:24:26 EST