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From the Pulpit...

Be Generous and Do Good - Jansen Lorch

Audio from December 9, 2020 PM | Galatians 6:6-10
Posted December 11, 2020 | Length: 00:25:59 | File size in bytes: 4677156

In the context tonight we see Paul refers to the spiritually and morally excellent things learned from the Word, in which they fellowship together. Paul uses this same to describe the gospel (Romans 10:15, Hebrews 9:11). "Whatever a mans sows he reaps", is used as an agricultural principle, applied metaphorically to the moral and spiritual realm, is universally true. This law is a form of God's wrath. "Sows to his flesh", means pandering to the flesh's evil desires. Sin always corrupts and, when left unchecked, always makes a person progressively worse in character. To walk by the Holy Spirit. A believer's life provides the unique privilege by which he can serve others in Christ's name, especially the household of faith. Our love for fellow Christian's is the primary test of our love for God.

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Thursday 23-01-2025 18:36:55 EST