From the Pulpit...
And So It Came To Pass - Matt Postiff
In this message we review Matthew 1:18-25 followed by a study of Matthew 2:1-12.
All that Joseph had been told by the angel unfolded and he executed exactly as the Lord instructed. Joseph was a just man and that drove his actions to treat his betrothed or fiance, with dignity and respect. Joseph did as the Lord instructed and took Mary to be his wife and so they lived together and he took care of her, but he did not consummate the marriage until after Jesus was already born. Verse 25 protects the doctrine of the virgin birth - a doctrine so important that the writers of Scripture go out of their way to make sure that every detail is precise. The supernatural virgin birth is proof of both Jesus' humanity and His deity.
The major part of the message covers 2:1-12 and the visit of the wise men. We look at the gifts given to the Lord Jesus and correlate them with other passages of Scripture that talk about the same things, especially with regard to the myrrh.