From the Pulpit...
Ruth's Redemption Assured, Part 1 - Jansen Lorch
from April 28, 2021 PM |
Ruth 2:17-3:5
Posted May 3, 2021 |
Length: 00:29:07 |
File size in bytes: 10482048
In this message pastoral intern Jansen Lorch continues our study in the book of Ruth, where we see Ruth harvesting grain in Boaz's field and she takes the ephah of barley to the city at the end of the day. Upon learning that Boaz was the man who took notice of Ruth we see Naomi expressing God's blessing upon this man for dealing with Ruth favorably. Furthermore, we see that Naomi recognizes God's kindness is still present upon them. We see Naomi instructing Ruth to obtain redemption from Boaz.