From the Pulpit...
Critical Race Theory - Matt Postiff
There is hardly a need at the present time to justify a Christian thinking through the CRT / wokeness mess that is currently all the rage. We have to analyze it from a Biblical standpoint, and recognize the danger of this pre-planned assault not only on Christian values, but on the principles that have underpinned our Republic for hundreds of years. I knew it was past time to address the issue when I got these questions through our website: 1) Is Fellowship Bible Church (FBC) affiliated with the New Apostolic Reformation (modern day apostles/prophets, 7 mountain mandate)? The Seven Mountain Mandate is a post-millennial, Pentecostal/charismatic dominion theology where the church is supposed to take over the pillars of society and then once the kingdom is established on earth, then Christ will return. 2) Is FBC a "woke" church? Do you espouse Critical Race Theory? Absolutely not. FBC is not woke, and we reject CRT. We are going to look at why we do that in these notes.