From the Pulpit...
Mary’s Thoughts of Christmas - Matt Postiff
In tonight's Christmas service, Pastor Matt leads our study where we see how Mary, knew that certain promises had to be fulfilled, because the angel told her of some of them, and she knew others from the Old Testament. She had to know that His death on the cross could not be the end. Here are the promises she must have pondered: Mary must have pondered: 1. He will save His people from their sins (Matt. 1:21), indicated even in His very name. 2. He is the Son of the Highest and will be great. He is the Son of God. 3. He will sit on the throne of His father David. 4. He will reign forever and His kingdom will never end. 5. She also knew that this one was connected to the fulfillment of the Abrahamic covenant, as indicated in her Magnificat.