From the Pulpit...
No Complaining! Part 2 - Matt Postiff
The apostle now is going to spell out some details about what it looks like to obey God’s word, which is the same thing as working out our salvation with fear and trembling. The next exhortations certainly fit the context of humility and like-mindedness, but they are even broader than that, encompassing all that we do in our lives. If the Christians keep holding on, keep believing, keep obeying, that is, persevering, this will give Paul a reason for rejoicing at the judgment of Christ because it will mean that his teaching and preaching work “remained” and did not disappear into thin air. John 15:16 says, “I chose you…that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain.” That is what the servant of God desires. It takes energy and toil to do this work. The salvation of souls is not the only goal! Paul wants to present every man perfect in Christ (Col. 1:28). God is working in you… to hold steadfastly to His sound teaching… so you shine as lights in the world… and one result of that is that you will not complain and argue.