From the Pulpit...
Lord's Table Service: Flee Idolatry - Matt Postiff
Idolatry today might look like it did in ancient Israel. But it may also be more secret, in one’s heart. Ezekiel 14:3-7 alerts us to this possibility. You cannot have things in your heart that rank higher than God, and then expect God to answer your inquiries as if your relationship with Him is just fine. Any failure in this area of divided loyalty or failure to flee from idolatry, etc. is reversible. God is gracious and will receive you if you turn away from your idols, from your self-centeredness, from your sin. God is merciful toward us sinners because His Son has freely offered Himself in our place as a substitute sacrifice for sinners. He who did no sin took on Himself our sins so that He could pay our penalty instead of us having to do it ourselves. If you believe in Him for salvation, and Him alone, He will rescue you from sin and cleanse you and put you into His family!