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From the Pulpit...

The Glories of the Coming Kingdom - Matt Postiff

Audio from May 29, 2022 AM | Various | Reading: Ezekiel 38
Posted May 31, 2022 | Length: 00:46:30 | File size in bytes: 16744896

The recent troubles in our world have been a heavy weight to carry in our hearts. We long for world peace, harmony amongst all peoples, safety for our children, the absence of violence, true unbiased justice, pure and useful politics, moral leadership, rich agriculture, economic freedom and opportunity, prosperity, medical and technological advancements, stability of international borders, and the general flourishing of the human race. We must remember that present afflictions are momentary and light compared to the eternal and exceeding weight of glory that will be revealed in the children of God (2 Cor. 4:17). Despite the absence of that wonderful state of things today, the Christian God promises—and will deliver—a kingdom on earth that will put to shame even the best that this world has offered over 6,000 years of history. Christians will have the opportunity to share in the glory of Christ (1 Peter 5:1). One of God’s purposes in saving us is that we would possess the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ, and that will be on display in a big way in the soon-coming kingdom era. Yet for now we groan, earnestly desiring a better body (2 Cor. 5:2-4). The entire creation groans under the weight of the curse due to sin (Romans 8:22-23) and awaits the full bodily redemption of the people of God. When that happens, then the world will be under the control of moral and upright leaders. It will occur when Christ returns and inaugurates what the Bible calls the kingdom of the God of Heaven (Daniel 2:44). In effect, that kingdom will endure forever as God works out His plan to bring about the end of the current world and re-create a new Heaven and new earth and what we think of as “heaven” begins. Before Heaven is the kingdom age of unparalleled blessing on this earth. It will display at least eight glorious characteristics.

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