From the Pulpit...
Introducing Jonah - Matthew Postiff
from June 19, 2022 AM |
Jonah 1:1-10
| Reading: Ezekiel 40
Posted June 20, 2022 |
Length: 00:50:58 |
File size in bytes: 18352656
The fearful mariners ask Jonah why in the world he did this. Out of the mouth of pagans! Look at this situation. The unbelievers recognize that if you believe in God, and claim that He created everything, and say that He is the Lord of all the earth, then you should be obeying Him. It is only logical. How could you not? And it is the same way today. When the unbeliever has a clearer vision of what religion is supposed to do for your conduct than does the follower of Christ, there is a problem.