From the Pulpit...
The Wicked Vinedressers - Matthew Postiff
The earlier parable of the two sons ended with Jesus stating that common sinners would enter the kingdom of God while the Pharisees would not. Obviously, this refers to sinners who had repented when told they needed to do so by John the Baptist or by Jesus and His disciples. But repentance was something that the chief priests and elders were totally unwilling to do. The parable of the vinedressers also ends with a mention of the kingdom of God— with Jesus saying that it will be taken from the present leadership of Israel and turned over to a nation which bears its fruit. Such a nation would show forth the fruits of repentance (as John the Baptist called for) and it would render to its owner what is due Him—honor, worship, and service—like the vinedressers should have done to the landowner. What fruits are you bringing to the divine owner of the universe?