From the Pulpit...
The Abrahamic Covenant Established - Matthew Postiff
How can you know that if you trust God, He will indeed ensure that righteous standing to you forever? As much as He did for Abram—promising to die like the split-in-two animals if He did not keep the covenant—He did even more for us. He sent His Son to actually die to seal our redemption. He walked among sinners (John 1:14), with those who sat in great darkness (Matt. 4:16), as the light of the world (John 8:12). He died alone to purge our sins (Heb. 1:3). We do not participate in the manufacture of our redemption. We trust Him, just like Abram trusted God. And God imputes righteousness to us just like He did to Abram. Thanks to be the Lord of all, the most high God, possessor of Heaven and earth. The God of Abraham praise, for His mercy endures to all generations.