From the Pulpit...
Jacob Moves Away in Obedience to His Parents - Matt Postiff
Jacob deceived to get the blessing. But you cannot get a real blessing that way. You might get the words of a blessing, but not the blessing itself. Despite his chicanery, God still was with him. And here is the thing: God Himself gave Jacob the blessing of Abraham and Isaac. He did not need to scheme to get the blessing. God was going to see to it anyway. You trust God, and He will take care of you in the best way possible. He will never leave you. You might leave Him for a time, but would you come back to Him, declare Him to be your God, which He is anyway, and follow Him with yourself and your substance? Do not go anywhere, much less far away, until you are assured that God will be with you, until you can say that He is and will be your God.