From the Pulpit...
Christmas Program - Matt Postiff
Let’s boil it down: we need to believe that God sent His Son as our Savior. God urges us to believe the truth that Jesus came to die for our sins and offer us the free light of life. Believe the truth that He came as a baby, He died as Savior, He rose again from the dead as Lord, and that He will reign as King. If you take this King as your own, you will be cleansed and your darkness will become light. And remember, soon the day will dawn and the daystar will arise over the entire earth, bringing comprehensive peace on earth and good will among mankind. The Lord Jesus will return and there will be a time of great joy to the world because the ancient wrongs will be righted and whatever is the best way to run a society will be the rule of the day. You can see that only if you are brought into the family of light which is under Jesus.