From the Pulpit...
Ezekiel for Dummies (Part 5) - Matt Postiff
In chapter twenty we see the prophet Ezekiel responds with a message from the Lord that gives a historical survey of Israel, featuring its uniform pattern of sin. Israel rebelled in Egypt, then in the wilderness trek, and the entry into the Land of Promise. Through all this, God kept delivering them to save His reputation. Yet sinful obstinacy finally led to His judging them. Verses 33-44 speak of His regathering Israel to their land in the future time of Christ's Second Advent. In chapter twenty-one, we hear of the parable of the sword of the Lord. Ezekiel brandished a sharp sword and struck his hands together leading into chapter twenty-two where we see him portraying Israel in the smelting furnace.
Our Scripture reading was found in Proverbs 13:1-25.