From the Pulpit...
Ezekiel for Dummies (Part 12) - Matt Postiff
We continue our study in Ezekiel chapters forty-one and forty-two focusing on the future construction God describes for the new temple. This new temple will be built in the millennial reign of Jesus Christ here on Earth to reinstate the True Worship in Israel. In chapter forty-three we focus on the appearance of God's glory and the reason for the vision. Years before Ezekiel has seen the glory of the Lord depart the temple; now he saw it return again to fill this temple. Such an image signaled that God's fury with the nation's disobedience had run its course, and now He would dwell with His people once more. The whole millennial temple is designed to broadcast the holiness and grandeur of God; it is built on a grand scale to impress those who see it and use it that they serve and worship a God who is far greater than any enticement to sin. The structure itself is designed to help them remember the past but also to glory in God and in the good present He has brought about.
Our Scripture reading was found in 1 Kings 11:1-43.