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From the Pulpit...

Church Planting and Church Building - Matt Postiff

Audio from March 15, 2020 AM | 1 Corinthians 3:5-15 | Reading: Deuteronomy 1
Posted March 18, 2020 | Length: 00:43:53 | File size in bytes: 7899660

Paul taught these new Christians the basics-the milk of faith-on his first visit. By now, the Corinthians should have moved on to the meat of spiritual maturity, yet their behavior was still fleshly, marked by envy, strife, and divisions. For the Corinthians to elevate and celebrate Paul or Apollos as the center of their faith was ridiculous. These men were merely instruments of the Spirit. Just as Paul planted and Apollos watered, so too can every believer serve. Some may preach, some may assist others in their service; but it is God who gives the increase. He can and will use the gifts of every one of His servants for His purposes and His glory. The first reason the churches fail is because they violate their commitment to Jesus Christ as their foundation. Churches must be built on Christ; then a community of believers can glorify Him through social justice or outreach or service. To establish a church on any other foundation-even one comprised of seemingly virtuous causes-will not succeed. Paul explains that the Day will declare the validity of each person's work. This is the not the Great White Throne Judgement where God will condemn unbelievers. It is the Judgement Seat of Christ, where believers will be evaluated. Believers will be given reward based on the quality of their service. Notice that it is not their service that saves. Both the rewarded believer and the believer who suffers loss are saved. Works can never earn salvation. Faithfulness in service, however, will earn the right to give God even greater glory as the faithful lay their rewards at His feet.

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