From the Pulpit...
A Prayer of Mercy, Power, and Faith, Part 1 - Matt Postiff
from June 21, 2020 PM |
Habakkuk 3:1-19
| Reading: 2 Kings 6:1-7:2
Posted June 24, 2020 |
Length: 00:46:53 |
File size in bytes: 8440848
The reference to "Habakkuk the prophet" marks a transition. The argumentative tone of the previous chapters, in which he cried for divine interference, is transformed into a plea for God's mercy, a review of God's power, and a chorus of praise for God's sustaining grace and sufficiency. But while the tone changes, a strong, thematic connection remains. Having been informed of God's plan of judgement, Habakkuk returns to the matter of Judah's judgement, pleading for mercy.