Livestream Sunday 9:45am 10:45am, 6pm; Wednesday 7:30pm

Truth Trackers

Looking for Discipleship and Bible Memory for your Children?

Register any time during the school year here: Truth Trackers Registration page.

Our weekly children's program is called Truth Trackers. Many churches use the Truth Trackers program to teach their children three key things: Bible memorization, home Bible devotions, and Bible lessons and stories. The program utilizes a question-and-answer format along with Bible verse memorization that corresponds to 18 key Christian doctrines.


Anyone from age 3 through 6th Grade. The program is divided into age brackets with the following groups:

  • Tiny Trackers are ages 3 through K5
  • Scripture Spies are Grades 1-3
  • Faith Force are Grades 4-6
  • Younger than 3: Secure nursery available


Every Sunday evening during the school year, from 6:00 to 7:15 p.m.


There is no cost to you. We ask families who are willing and able to contribute to the Truth Trackers program to make an offering to offset the cost of books and awards and so forth, which is about $25.00 for the year.

What We Do

Singing; Bible lesson; learn Bible doctrine through a question-and-answer format; game time.

The Truth Trackers program has a number of valuable components. One is the singing of songs that go with the Bible doctrines the children are learning. A second strength is the doctrinal emphasis through questions and answers that the children memorize. Another strength is how readily it can be integrated with the rest of the church program. Parents can rest assured that we are not looking for just "decisions" but for children who learn God's Word and are transformed by it.

For more information please contact us by email or call the church office.

Looking for Awana?

Truth Trackers is a similar kind of ministry. We replaced our previous weekly children's programs with Truth Trackers in the 2014-15 school year and have been very impressed with how well it has worked for our children both at the church and in the home devotional component of the program.

There are lots of kids programs available. A brief search yields Awana, Kids-4-Truth, Christian Service Brigade, Frontlineclubs, Generations of Grace, Gospel Light, King's Kids, MastersClubs, Missionette, Pioneer Clubs, Patch the Pirate, ProTeens, Royal Ranger, Sonlight Clubs, TeamKids, and Youth for Ministry, among others. We have chosen to use Truth Trackers because we believe it helps us best carry out what Jesus told us to do in the Great Commission.

Truth Trackers Web Site

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