From the Pulpit...
Lord's Table: Why Does the World Hate Christianity? - Matt Postiff
Do not be surprised when the world hates you. Why? 1. It is led by Satan. 2. It hates Jesus first. He was the first in the New Testament era to bear their hatred. 3. It hates righteousness. 4. It loves sin and darkness. 5. It does not seek the things of God. 6. It hates God the Father. 7. It hates Jesus without cause. The current “cancel culture” rage is just another manifestation of what we have talked about here. Be at ease, however, dear Christian, because we have nothing to worry about. Jesus was already cancelled 2000 years ago when Israel professed they had another king, and the Romans worked a terrible justice on Him and killed Him on cross. We are in Christ, so we have already been cancelled too. What to do then? We just keep on living for Jesus and ministering for Him without worry. We are not in a popularity contest. We know the world hates us, and has already cancelled us. That ship has already sailed. So we resolve ourselves to live for God and ignore the hype. Preach Christ. People need to know the Lord before they die.