From the Pulpit...
Grace Abounding - Matt Postiff
from October 3, 2021 AM |
2 Samuel 12, Romans 6
| Reading: Ezekiel 12
Posted October 5, 2021 |
Length: 00:52:53 |
File size in bytes: 19040256
In this message Pastor Matt leads our study where we see that God’s grace enables us to live for Him, we are no longer ruled by sin. This leads Paul to write the well-known verse found in Romans 6:23. We do not continue in sin that grace may abound, because grace abounds by removing us from the realm of sin and death. Grace puts us in an entirely new sphere of existence so we can serve God. You may feel sometimes that sin abounds. Grace abounds much more. Ponder Romans 5:20-21 in this connection.