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From the Pulpit...

Some of Jesus' Miracles in John 6 - Missionary Speaker

Posted July 18, 2016 | Length: 00:47:53 | File size in bytes: 8621424

Our speaker explains the content and significance of the miracles in the sixth chapter of John's gospel. The setting is the feeding of the 5,000 men (probably more like 20,000 people) and the disciples' journey by boat over the Sea of Galilee. Jesus performed five miracles. First, he saw the disciples several miles off in the middle of the night in a storm. Second, He walked on the water. Third, He enabled Peter to walk on the water. Fourth, the wind immediately ceased (Mark 6:51). Fifth, immediately the boat arrived at the land where they were going (John 6:21). All of this is meant to help the non-Christian understand who Jesus is and to repent of sin and believe in Christ.

But it also has an application for the believer. Jesus is sovereign over everything in the created realm--which is everything! Jesus knows and sees everything. Jesus rules over the greatest forces of nature. Jesus is king over time and space. The miracles Jesus did were as easy as any normal activity of a person. He ensures that all things are for the good of the believer and for the glory of God. This should help us handle all situations with calmness and tranquility. Jesus' presence should eclipse all fear. The mere fact that Jesus is here should banish all fear!

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