From the Pulpit...
A House Divided - Matt Postiff
After reading of Hebrews 9, Pastor Postiff preaches on the divided house parable given by our Lord. In it, Jesus shows the people how foolish it is to ascribe His power to the Devil. Therefore, it should be clear where His supernatural power comes from. So what should you do in response to the fact that the Lord is from heaven? In the passage we see the healing of a blind and mute man, the amazement of the people, the strong unbelief of the Pharisees, and the nonsense of the Pharisees objection to his miracle. You are either for the King or against Him.
Because of the holiday, we had no Sunday school program this morning, and we completed a video on the Exodus from Egypt in the evening. Thus, this is the only recording for January 1, 2017. Thanks to all who listen in to the ministry via the web, and thanks for your prayer and financial support of Fellowship Bible Church!