From the Pulpit...
The Defeat of Sin - Matt Postiff
from April 5, 2015 Resurrection Day |
Colossians 2:11-14
Posted April 7, 2015 |
Length: 00:46:42 |
File size in bytes: 8407152
The Lord Jesus Christ delivers His people from sin and all its effects:
- Physical death – future, through the resurrection.
- Spiritual death – present, through new life given at salvation.
- Physical ailments and diseases – future, in heaven.
- Power and practice of sin – present, through salvation’s transformation and the Spirit’s presence gradually making us more holy.
- Guilt and penalty of sin – present, through forgiveness.
- Presence of sin – future, in heaven.
How He does all these amazing things is the subject of this message. In short, Jesus’ work entirely transforms the person who is saved, and fixes up their sin record or "criminal" record so that there are no more legal grounds for condemnation.