Rodman Illustrating Church Truth?
Posted by Matt Postiff June 10, 2008 on Matt Postiff's Blog under ChurchÂ
I heard an interesting interview yesterday on News Radio 760, WJR in Detroit. Frank Beckmann was interviewing former Detroit Pistons coach Chuck Daly (mp3, between 08:26 and 9:16). The conversation turned to Dennis Rodman, a controversial player on the 1980's and early 1990's "Bad Boys" championship teams. I certainly cannot Christianize Rodman's antics, but the conversation was interesting in another aspect.
The team already had Isiah Thomas, Bill Laimbeer, and Vinnie Johnson. In 1986, the Pistons acquired John Salley and Dennis Rodman. Daly said that after some time had passed, a friend commented to him that those two acquisitions changed the whole makeup of the team. Both players, but particularly Rodman, would rebound, defend, and not worry about shots. Daly related that Rodman did not need to score and would be in it at the end of the game. He was also a very energetic player.
It seems that Daly was impressed with the fact that Rodman did not need to have his ego stroked by scoring lots of points. He added value in other ways. He specialized on the defensive side, and this made the team as a whole much better. I thought of members of a local church at this point. Hopefully they will carry out their specialty (their spiritual gift) and not need to have their ego stroked (get any glory) for it. They will thus make the local assembly more effective in its accomplishing of the Great Commission.
Refer to 1 Corinthians 12:4-7, 12-27.