Livestream Sunday 9:45am 10:45am, 6pm, Wednesday 7:30pm

Outline of Christian Theology


  1. Definition of Theology
  2. Presuppositions
    1. The Existence of God
    2. The Bible as the Word of God
    3. The Literal Approach to Interpretation
  3. Source and Authority of Theology
    1. The Bible
    2. Not the Human Mind
    3. Not Experience or Feelings
    4. Not Tradition
  4. Methods of Theological Study
  5. Divisions of Theological Study
  6. Requirements of the Student of Theology

Doctrine of the Bible

  1. Natural and Special Revelation
  2. Inspiration
  3. Inerrancy
  4. Preservation
  5. Canon
  6. Literal Interpretation
  7. Kinds of Prophetic Fulfillment
  8. Dispensations, Continuity, and Discontinuity
  9. Progressive Revelation
  10. Illumination
  11. Wrong Views of the Bible
    1. Partial inspiration or degrees of inspiration
    2. KJV Onlyism

Doctrine of God

  1. Trinity
    1. The Father as God
    2. The Son as God
    3. The Holy Spirit as God
    4. Ontological Equality
    5. Functional or Economic Subordination
  2. Attributes of God
    1. Spirit
      1. Living
      2. Incorporeal
      3. Invisible
      4. Intelligent
      5. Has Emotions
      6. Has a Will
    2. Omniscient
    3. Omnipresent
    4. Omnipotent
    5. Self-existent
    6. Infinite
    7. Perfect
    8. Wise
    9. Eternal
    10. Immutable
    11. Incomprehensible
    12. Holy
    13. True
    14. Love
    15. Righteous
    16. Just
    17. Faithful
    18. Merciful
    19. Gracious
  3. The Names of God
  4. Wrong Views of God
    1. The Trinity is Not Three Modes or Faces of God

Doctrine of God the Father

  1. His Deity
  2. Predestination
    1. Of All Things
    2. Of Salvation: Election
      1. Pre-temporal
      2. Unconditional
  3. Creation
    1. Literal 6-days
    2. Recent
    3. Species
    4. Wrong Views of Creation
  4. Sustainer
  5. Fatherhood
    1. To Humanity Generally
    2. To Believers Specifically
  6. Wrong Views of God the Father
    1. The Future is not open to God

Doctrine of Christ

  1. Preexistence
    1. Defined
    2. Before Creation
    3. Christ's Old Testament Ministry
  2. Old Testament Prophecies Concerning Christ
    1. Luke 24:25-27; 44-47
    2. Genesis 3:15
    3. Exodus 12
    4. Deuteronomy 18:15, 18 (Acts 3:22; Acts 7:37, 52)
    5. Psalm 2
    6. Psalm 16:10 (Acts 2:24-32, 13:33-37)
    7. Psalm 22
    8. Psalm 34:20 (John 19:32-36)
    9. Psalm 45:6-7 (Hebrews 1:8-9)
    10. Psalm 69:21 (Matthew 27:34, 48)
    11. Psalm 72
    12. Psalm 89
    13. Psalm 110 (Heb. 1:13; 5:6, 6:20, 7:17)
    14. Isaiah 7:14 (Matthew 1:23)
    15. Isaiah 9:6-7 (Luke 1:32-33)
    16. Isaiah 53
    17. Daniel 9:25-26 (Luke 19:41-44)
    18. Micah 5:2 (Matthew 2:6)
    19. Zechariah 9:9 (Matthew 21:5)
    20. Zechariah 12:10 (John 19:37)
  3. Incarnation
    1. Virgin Conception and Birth
    2. Two Natures and One Person
    3. Kenosis and Humiliation
    4. Sinlessness
    5. Purposes of the Incarnation
      1. Die for Sinners as Mediator
      2. Give Eternal Life
      3. To be a Sympathetic High Priest
      4. To be an Example for Believers
      5. To Reveal God
      6. To Show the Human Body is Not Inherently Sinful
      7. To Fulfill Prophecy
      8. To Come as Israel's King
  4. True Humanity
    1. Direct Statements
    2. Indirect Statements
    3. Human Life and Limitations
    4. Temptations
    5. Impeccability
  5. True Deity
    1. Direct Statements
    2. Indirect Statements
    3. Divine Names of Christ
    4. Attributes of Christ
    5. Actions of Christ
    6. Worship of Christ
    7. Key Texts based on Greek Grammar
    8. Eternal Sonship
  6. Outline of the Life of Christ
  7. Substitutionary Atonement
    1. Need of the Atonement
    2. Efficacy of the Atonement
    3. Nature of the Atonement
    4. Extent of Atonement
    5. Healing and the Atonement
    6. The Blood of Christ
  8. Bodily Resurrection
    1. The Fact
    2. Importance
  9. Ascension and Session
    1. Indication of His Completed Work
    2. Sustenance of the Universe
    3. Advocate for Believers
    4. Head of the Church
  10. Future Activity of Christ
    1. Rapture
    2. Bema Seat Judgment
    3. Tribulation Judgments
    4. Second Coming
    5. Judgment of Jews and Gentiles
    6. Millennial Reign of Christ
    7. Handing over Authority to the Father
  11. Wrong Views God the Son
    1. The Son of God is not a creation
    2. The Son of God was not adopted
    3. Non-Substitutionary views of the atonement are wrong

Doctrine of the Holy Spirit

  1. His Deity
    1. Eternal Procession
  2. Old Testament Ministry
    1. Creation
    2. Special Gifts
    3. Regeneration
    4. Sanctification
    5. Prophetic revelation
    6. Inspiration [see section]
  3. Early New Testament Ministry in the Life of Christ
  4. Later New Testament Ministry
    1. Lead the Disciples in Remembering the Lord's Teaching
    2. Temporary Gifts that have ceased today
      1. Purpose of Temporary Gifts
      2. List of Temporary Gifts
      3. Tongues (not today, nor ever evidence of salvation)
      4. Interpretation of Tongues
      5. Prophecy
      6. Miraculous healings
      7. Apostle
      8. Prophet
    3. Inspiration [see section]
  5. Church Age Ministry
    1. Convict the World
    2. Regeneration, Effective Call
    3. Baptism
    4. Indwelling
      1. Meaning
      2. Seal
      3. Earnest
    5. Filling
    6. Illumination
    7. Sanctification [see section]
    8. Spiritual Gifts
      1. Definition
      2. Purpose of Spiritual Gifts
      3. List of Spiritual Gifts
      4. Ministry
      5. Teaching
      6. Exhortation
      7. Giving
      8. Administration
      9. Evangelism
      10. To the Church
      11. Evangelist
      12. Pastor/Teacher
      13. Teacher

Doctrine of Man

  1. Creation
    1. Immediate
    2. Image and Likeness of God
      1. List of things come with image
    3. Sinless but Unconfirmed Innocence
    4. Wrong views on the Creation of Man
  2. Constitution
    1. Material
    2. Immaterial
      1. Soul
      2. Spirit
      3. Mind
      4. Will...Free will
      5. Heart
      6. Emotions
  3. Fall into Sin
    1. Impact on Adam and Eve Individually
    2. Impact on the Human Race [see section]
    3. Impact on the Image of God in Man

Doctrine of Sin

  1. Definition of Sin
  2. Origin of Sin in the Decree of God
  3. The Doctrine of Original Sin (which of below?)
  4. Imputed Sin
  5. Inherited Sin, or the Sin Nature
  6. Personal Sin
  7. Total Depravity
  8. Results of Sin
    1. Physical Death
    2. Spiritual Death
    3. Eternal Death
  9. Wrong Views of Sin
    1. Pelagian and Semi-Pelagian views
    2. Sin is not learned
    3. Sin is not solely in the material flesh of man
    4. Sin is not transmitted only by the human father

Doctrine of Salvation

  1. Grace Alone
  2. Christ Alone
  3. Faith Alone
    1. Definition of Faith
    2. Repentance
    3. Apart from Works
  4. Order of Salvation
    1. Election
    2. Calling
    3. Justification
    4. Forgiveness
    5. Ministries of Holy Spirit [see section]
    6. Adoption
    7. Glorification
  5. Explaining the Gospel to Others
  6. Results of Salvation
  7. Eternal Security
    1. Once Saved, Always Saved
  8. Perseverance
    1. Continuance in personal faith
    2. Continuance in sound doctrine
    3. Continuance in good works
  9. Assurance
    1. Based on promises of God
    2. Based on the internal testimony of the Holy Spirit
    3. Based on Perseverance
  10. Design and Extent of the Atonement
    1. Provision and Application
    2. Multiple Intentions
  11. Salvation of Infants, Irresponsible, and Unevangelized
  12. Wrong Views of Salvation
    1. There are not multiple ways of salvation
    2. Faith in Christ cannot be unconscious
    3. Repentance is not only about one's view of Christ

Doctrine of Sanctification

  1. Positional Sanctification
  2. Progressive Sanctification
    1. Separation from Sin
  3. Perfect Sanctification
  4. God's Will and the Believer
  5. Wrong views of Sanctification
    1. Perfectionism
    2. Permanent Carnal Christians

Doctrine of the Church

  1. The Universal Church
    1. Definition
    2. Wrong Views
  2. The Local Church
    1. Definition and Term Ekklesia
    2. Origin at Pentecost
    3. Composition by Regeneration and Spirit Baptism
    4. Wrong Views
  3. Relationships of the Church
    1. To Parachurch Organizations
      1. Definition of Parachurch
      2. Church is the focus of God's work in this age
      3. Sending Agency is Properly the Local Church
    2. To Israel and Her Covenants
    3. To the Civil State
    4. To the Kingdom of God
  4. Baptist Distinctives
    1. Bible authority
    2. Autonomy of the local church
    3. Priesthood of the Believer
    4. Two Offices (Pastor and Deacon)
    5. Individual Soul Liberty
    6. Saved church membership
    7. Two Ordinances (Baptism and the Lord's Table)
    8. Separation of Church and State
  5. Primary Activities of the Church
    1. Worship
    2. Biblical Instruction
    3. Great Commission and Church Planting
      1. Local
      2. Global
      3. The Evangelist
      4. Character
      5. Ability
      6. Function
      7. Ordination by the Church
    4. Fellowship and Mutual Encouragement
    5. Benevolence
  6. Ordinances of the Church
    1. Definition of an Ordinance and Proof of Two Ordinances
      1. Command of the Lord
      2. Symbolic of a Gospel Truth
      3. Practice by the Early Church Recorded in the Bible
    2. Baptism by Immersion
      1. Meaning
      2. Participants
      3. Procedure
    3. Lord's Table
      1. Meaning
      2. Participants
      3. Procedure
    4. Wrong Views of Ordinances
      1. Pedo-Baptism
      2. Foot Washing
      3. Sacramentalism
      4. Catholic ordinances
  7. Government and Organization of the Church
    1. Some Latitude Permitted in Organization
    2. Biblical Model of Organization
      1. Headship of Christ
      2. Congregational Authority
      3. Leadership of the Pastor(s), Deacons
    3. Constitution and Doctrinal Statement
    4. The Pastor = Overseers = Elders
      1. Character
      2. Ability
      3. Function
      4. Number
      5. Ordination by the Church
      6. Theological Education
    5. The Deacon
      1. Character
      2. Ability
      3. Function
      4. Number
      5. Ordination by the Church
    6. The Church Member and His Role
    7. Other Views
      1. Presbyterian
      2. Hierarchical
      3. Hybrids
  8. Financial Support of the Church
    1. Biblical Method of Giving
    2. Question of the Tithe
    3. Designated Giving
  9. Biblical Terminology, Figures or Metaphors of the Church
    1. The People of God
    2. The Body of Christ
    3. The Bride of Christ
    4. The Temple of the Holy Spirit
  10. Holiness of the Church
    1. Separation from Sin (Purity)
    2. Separation from Erring Brothers (Church Discipline)
      1. Purposes (Purity, Reconciliation)
      2. Sins that Initiate Discipline
      3. Process of Discipline
    3. Separation from Apostate or Erring Organizations

Doctrine of Angels and Demons

  1. Origin, Nature, and Hierarchy of Angelic Beings
  2. Holy Angels
    1. Confirmed in Holiness
    2. Activity
  3. Fallen Angels or Demons
    1. Confirmed in Sin
    2. Activity
  4. Satan
    1. Past Activity
    2. Present Activity in the World
    3. Future Fate

Doctrine of Israel

  1. Formation of the Nation
    1. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob
    2. The 12 Patriarchs
    3. Suffering and Exodus from Egypt
  2. Covenants
    1. Abrahamic Covenant
    2. Mosaic Covenant
    3. Davidic Covenant
    4. New Covenant
    5. Question of the Land - in all covenants
  3. Early Theocracy
  4. Monarchy
    1. A False Start under Saul
    2. Glory Days Under David and Solomon
    3. Division
  5. Historical Demise
  6. Israel in the Present
    1. Nationally
    2. With Regard to the Church
  7. Israel in the Future
    1. Tribulation
    2. Second Coming
    3. Millennial Kingdom [see section]
    4. Eternal State

Doctrine of Future Things

  1. Introduction to Various Schools of Eschatology
    1. Post-Millennialism
    2. A-Millennialism
    3. Pre-Millennialism, and outline of future events
  2. Rapture of the Church
    1. Pre-Tribulation View
    2. Mid-Tribulation or Pre-Wrath View
    3. Post-Tribulation View
    4. Partial Rapture View
  3. Judgment of Believers at the Bema Seat
  4. Tribulation
  5. Second Coming and Associated Judgments
  6. 1000-Year Kingdom [see section]
  7. Judgment of Unbelievers and the Book of Life
  8. Eternal State
    1. Hell
    2. Heaven
  9. Wrong Views of Future Things
    1. Single general resurrection
    2. Post-Millennialism
    3. A-Millennialism
    4. Annihilism

Doctrine of the Kingdom of God

  1. The Kingdom in Old Testament History
  2. The Kingdom in Old Testament Prophecy
  3. The Kingdom in the Gospels
  4. The Kingdom in Church Age
  5. The Kingdom in the Future
  6. Relation of the Kingdom to Other Entities
    1. Relation to the Nation of Israel
    2. Relation to the Church
  7. Wrong Views on the Kingdom
    1. The kingdom of heaven and kingdom of God are not different
    2. There are not a multiplicity of kingdoms

Doctrine of Contemporary Issues

  1. Life, Abortion, and Euthanasia
  2. Marriage and Sexuality
  3. New Evangelicalism
  4. Contemporary Worship


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