Outline of Christian Theology
- Definition of Theology
- Presuppositions
- The Existence of God
- The Bible as the Word of God
- The Literal Approach to Interpretation
- Source and Authority of Theology
- The Bible
- Not the Human Mind
- Not Experience or Feelings
- Not Tradition
- Methods of Theological Study
- Divisions of Theological Study
- Requirements of the Student of Theology
Doctrine of the Bible
- Natural and Special Revelation
- Inspiration
- Inerrancy
- Preservation
- Canon
- Literal Interpretation
- Kinds of Prophetic Fulfillment
- Dispensations, Continuity, and Discontinuity
- Progressive Revelation
- Illumination
- Wrong Views of the Bible
- Partial inspiration or degrees of inspiration
- KJV Onlyism
Doctrine of God
- Trinity
- The Father as God
- The Son as God
- The Holy Spirit as God
- Ontological Equality
- Functional or Economic Subordination
- Attributes of God
- Spirit
- Living
- Incorporeal
- Invisible
- Intelligent
- Has Emotions
- Has a Will
- Omniscient
- Omnipresent
- Omnipotent
- Self-existent
- Infinite
- Perfect
- Wise
- Eternal
- Immutable
- Incomprehensible
- Holy
- True
- Love
- Righteous
- Just
- Faithful
- Merciful
- Gracious
- The Names of God
- Wrong Views of God
- The Trinity is Not Three Modes or Faces of God
Doctrine of God the Father
- His Deity
- Predestination
- Of All Things
- Of Salvation: Election
- Pre-temporal
- Unconditional
- Creation
- Literal 6-days
- Recent
- Species
- Wrong Views of Creation
- Sustainer
- Fatherhood
- To Humanity Generally
- To Believers Specifically
- Wrong Views of God the Father
- The Future is not open to God
Doctrine of Christ
- Preexistence
- Defined
- Before Creation
- Christ's Old Testament Ministry
- Old Testament Prophecies Concerning Christ
- Luke 24:25-27; 44-47
- Genesis 3:15
- Exodus 12
- Deuteronomy 18:15, 18 (Acts 3:22; Acts 7:37, 52)
- Psalm 2
- Psalm 16:10 (Acts 2:24-32, 13:33-37)
- Psalm 22
- Psalm 34:20 (John 19:32-36)
- Psalm 45:6-7 (Hebrews 1:8-9)
- Psalm 69:21 (Matthew 27:34, 48)
- Psalm 72
- Psalm 89
- Psalm 110 (Heb. 1:13; 5:6, 6:20, 7:17)
- Isaiah 7:14 (Matthew 1:23)
- Isaiah 9:6-7 (Luke 1:32-33)
- Isaiah 53
- Daniel 9:25-26 (Luke 19:41-44)
- Micah 5:2 (Matthew 2:6)
- Zechariah 9:9 (Matthew 21:5)
- Zechariah 12:10 (John 19:37)
- Incarnation
- Virgin Conception and Birth
- Two Natures and One Person
- Kenosis and Humiliation
- Sinlessness
- Purposes of the Incarnation
- Die for Sinners as Mediator
- Give Eternal Life
- To be a Sympathetic High Priest
- To be an Example for Believers
- To Reveal God
- To Show the Human Body is Not Inherently Sinful
- To Fulfill Prophecy
- To Come as Israel's King
- True Humanity
- Direct Statements
- Indirect Statements
- Human Life and Limitations
- Temptations
- Impeccability
- True Deity
- Direct Statements
- Indirect Statements
- Divine Names of Christ
- Attributes of Christ
- Actions of Christ
- Worship of Christ
- Key Texts based on Greek Grammar
- Eternal Sonship
- Outline of the Life of Christ
- Substitutionary Atonement
- Need of the Atonement
- Efficacy of the Atonement
- Nature of the Atonement
- Extent of Atonement
- Healing and the Atonement
- The Blood of Christ
- Bodily Resurrection
- The Fact
- Importance
- Ascension and Session
- Indication of His Completed Work
- Sustenance of the Universe
- Advocate for Believers
- Head of the Church
- Future Activity of Christ
- Rapture
- Bema Seat Judgment
- Tribulation Judgments
- Second Coming
- Judgment of Jews and Gentiles
- Millennial Reign of Christ
- Handing over Authority to the Father
- Wrong Views God the Son
- The Son of God is not a creation
- The Son of God was not adopted
- Non-Substitutionary views of the atonement are wrong
Doctrine of the Holy Spirit
- His Deity
- Eternal Procession
- Old Testament Ministry
- Creation
- Special Gifts
- Regeneration
- Sanctification
- Prophetic revelation
- Inspiration [see section]
- Early New Testament Ministry in the Life of Christ
- Later New Testament Ministry
- Lead the Disciples in Remembering the Lord's Teaching
- Temporary Gifts that have ceased today
- Purpose of Temporary Gifts
- List of Temporary Gifts
- Tongues (not today, nor ever evidence of salvation)
- Interpretation of Tongues
- Prophecy
- Miraculous healings
- Apostle
- Prophet
- Inspiration [see section]
- Church Age Ministry
- Convict the World
- Regeneration, Effective Call
- Baptism
- Indwelling
- Meaning
- Seal
- Earnest
- Filling
- Illumination
- Sanctification [see section]
- Spiritual Gifts
- Definition
- Purpose of Spiritual Gifts
- List of Spiritual Gifts
- Ministry
- Teaching
- Exhortation
- Giving
- Administration
- Evangelism
- To the Church
- Evangelist
- Pastor/Teacher
- Teacher
Doctrine of Man
- Creation
- Immediate
- Image and Likeness of God
- List of things come with image
- Sinless but Unconfirmed Innocence
- Wrong views on the Creation of Man
- Constitution
- Material
- Immaterial
- Soul
- Spirit
- Mind
- Will...Free will
- Heart
- Emotions
- Fall into Sin
- Impact on Adam and Eve Individually
- Impact on the Human Race [see section]
- Impact on the Image of God in Man
Doctrine of Sin
- Definition of Sin
- Origin of Sin in the Decree of God
- The Doctrine of Original Sin (which of below?)
- Imputed Sin
- Inherited Sin, or the Sin Nature
- Personal Sin
- Total Depravity
- Results of Sin
- Physical Death
- Spiritual Death
- Eternal Death
- Wrong Views of Sin
- Pelagian and Semi-Pelagian views
- Sin is not learned
- Sin is not solely in the material flesh of man
- Sin is not transmitted only by the human father
Doctrine of Salvation
- Grace Alone
- Christ Alone
- Faith Alone
- Definition of Faith
- Repentance
- Apart from Works
- Order of Salvation
- Election
- Calling
- Justification
- Forgiveness
- Ministries of Holy Spirit [see section]
- Adoption
- Glorification
- Explaining the Gospel to Others
- Results of Salvation
- Eternal Security
- Once Saved, Always Saved
- Perseverance
- Continuance in personal faith
- Continuance in sound doctrine
- Continuance in good works
- Assurance
- Based on promises of God
- Based on the internal testimony of the Holy Spirit
- Based on Perseverance
- Design and Extent of the Atonement
- Provision and Application
- Multiple Intentions
- Salvation of Infants, Irresponsible, and Unevangelized
- Wrong Views of Salvation
- There are not multiple ways of salvation
- Faith in Christ cannot be unconscious
- Repentance is not only about one's view of Christ
Doctrine of Sanctification
- Positional Sanctification
- Progressive Sanctification
- Separation from Sin
- Perfect Sanctification
- God's Will and the Believer
- Wrong views of Sanctification
- Perfectionism
- Permanent Carnal Christians
Doctrine of the Church
- The Universal Church
- Definition
- Wrong Views
- The Local Church
- Definition and Term Ekklesia
- Origin at Pentecost
- Composition by Regeneration and Spirit Baptism
- Wrong Views
- Relationships of the Church
- To Parachurch Organizations
- Definition of Parachurch
- Church is the focus of God's work in this age
- Sending Agency is Properly the Local Church
- To Israel and Her Covenants
- To the Civil State
- To the Kingdom of God
- Baptist Distinctives
- Bible authority
- Autonomy of the local church
- Priesthood of the Believer
- Two Offices (Pastor and Deacon)
- Individual Soul Liberty
- Saved church membership
- Two Ordinances (Baptism and the Lord's Table)
- Separation of Church and State
- Primary Activities of the Church
- Worship
- Biblical Instruction
- Great Commission and Church Planting
- Local
- Global
- The Evangelist
- Character
- Ability
- Function
- Ordination by the Church
- Fellowship and Mutual Encouragement
- Benevolence
- Ordinances of the Church
- Definition of an Ordinance and Proof of Two Ordinances
- Command of the Lord
- Symbolic of a Gospel Truth
- Practice by the Early Church Recorded in the Bible
- Baptism by Immersion
- Meaning
- Participants
- Procedure
- Lord's Table
- Meaning
- Participants
- Procedure
- Wrong Views of Ordinances
- Pedo-Baptism
- Foot Washing
- Sacramentalism
- Catholic ordinances
- Government and Organization of the Church
- Some Latitude Permitted in Organization
- Biblical Model of Organization
- Headship of Christ
- Congregational Authority
- Leadership of the Pastor(s), Deacons
- Constitution and Doctrinal Statement
- The Pastor = Overseers = Elders
- Character
- Ability
- Function
- Number
- Ordination by the Church
- Theological Education
- The Deacon
- Character
- Ability
- Function
- Number
- Ordination by the Church
- The Church Member and His Role
- Other Views
- Presbyterian
- Hierarchical
- Hybrids
- Financial Support of the Church
- Biblical Method of Giving
- Question of the Tithe
- Designated Giving
- Biblical Terminology, Figures or Metaphors of the Church
- The People of God
- The Body of Christ
- The Bride of Christ
- The Temple of the Holy Spirit
- Holiness of the Church
- Separation from Sin (Purity)
- Separation from Erring Brothers (Church Discipline)
- Purposes (Purity, Reconciliation)
- Sins that Initiate Discipline
- Process of Discipline
- Separation from Apostate or Erring Organizations
Doctrine of Angels and Demons
- Origin, Nature, and Hierarchy of Angelic Beings
- Holy Angels
- Confirmed in Holiness
- Activity
- Fallen Angels or Demons
- Confirmed in Sin
- Activity
- Satan
- Past Activity
- Present Activity in the World
- Future Fate
Doctrine of Israel
- Formation of the Nation
- Abraham, Isaac, Jacob
- The 12 Patriarchs
- Suffering and Exodus from Egypt
- Covenants
- Abrahamic Covenant
- Mosaic Covenant
- Davidic Covenant
- New Covenant
- Question of the Land - in all covenants
- Early Theocracy
- Monarchy
- A False Start under Saul
- Glory Days Under David and Solomon
- Division
- Historical Demise
- Israel in the Present
- Nationally
- With Regard to the Church
- Israel in the Future
- Tribulation
- Second Coming
- Millennial Kingdom [see section]
- Eternal State
Doctrine of Future Things
- Introduction to Various Schools of Eschatology
- Post-Millennialism
- A-Millennialism
- Pre-Millennialism, and outline of future events
- Rapture of the Church
- Pre-Tribulation View
- Mid-Tribulation or Pre-Wrath View
- Post-Tribulation View
- Partial Rapture View
- Judgment of Believers at the Bema Seat
- Tribulation
- Second Coming and Associated Judgments
- 1000-Year Kingdom [see section]
- Judgment of Unbelievers and the Book of Life
- Eternal State
- Hell
- Heaven
- Wrong Views of Future Things
- Single general resurrection
- Post-Millennialism
- A-Millennialism
- Annihilism
Doctrine of the Kingdom of God
- The Kingdom in Old Testament History
- The Kingdom in Old Testament Prophecy
- The Kingdom in the Gospels
- The Kingdom in Church Age
- The Kingdom in the Future
- Relation of the Kingdom to Other Entities
- Relation to the Nation of Israel
- Relation to the Church
- Wrong Views on the Kingdom
- The kingdom of heaven and kingdom of God are not different
- There are not a multiplicity of kingdoms
Doctrine of Contemporary Issues
- Life, Abortion, and Euthanasia
- Marriage and Sexuality
- New Evangelicalism
- Contemporary Worship