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The Power of the Question: Mark 10:17-22

Posted by Matt Postiff November 18, 2011 on Matt Postiff's Blog under Bible Texts 

I assigned one of our men this past Wednesday evening to bring a message from God's Word after our corporate time of prayer. He spoke from Mark 10:17-22 about the rich young ruler.

His message reminded me of the power of a question to engage the mind of the hearer in the message. Here are the introductory questions he asked:

  1. What kind of a ruler is this young man?
  2. Does his title (rich young ruler) tell us anything important?
  3. What is meant by "eternal life"?
  4. What's the significance of the discussion of what is "good"?
  5. Is there any significance to the specific commands Jesus mentions and the ones he leaves out?
  6. Is Jesus suggesting one can earn eternal life by keeping the commandments?
  7. Why does Jesus tell the ruler to sell everything and give to the poor in order to follow him?
  8. Is the giving away of possessions a universal requirement for all disciples?
  9. Why is it so hard for the rich to enter the kingdom of God?
  10. What is Jesus' primary challenge or message to the rich young man?

Then, at the conclusion of the message and asked some more pointed questions:

  1. God sees into each of our hearts and knows very well the "one thing you lack." What might that be for you and me?
  2. Do we serve any personal idols?
  3. In what ways have we watered down the true cost of discipleship?
  4. What have we given up for the sake of the Kingdom of God?
  5. Are we trading treasures on earth for even greater treasure in heaven?

Food for thought...

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