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Bruce on Humdrum Pastors and False Teachers

Posted by Matt Postiff May 10, 2012 on Matt Postiff's Blog under Church 

I noted this paragraph from F. F. Bruce when I was studying Hebrews 13:17:

There would always be a tendency throughout the churches for visitors who came purveying new and esoteric doctrines to be regarded as much more attractive and interesting personalities than the rather humdrum local leaders, who never taught anything new, but were content with the conservative line of aposolitic tradition. Nevertheless it was those local leaders, and not the purveyors of strange teaching, who had a real concern for the welfare of the church and a sense of their accountability to God in this respect. If the discharge of their responsibility and the ultimate rendering of their account were made a burden to them, the resultant disadvantage would fall on those who were led as well as on the leaders.

F. F. Bruce, The Epistle to the Hebrews, Revised in NICNT. Eerdmans, 1990, pp. 385-6.

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