From the Pulpit...
Seventy Disciples - Matt Postiff
Previously, He had told the disciples that if someone receives them, they will receive the Lord, and if they receive the Lord, they will receive the Father as well (Matt. 10:40). So, if the city were favorable to his messengers, then Jesus could expect something of a favorable response to His further ministry in the city. But if the city had already rejected the disciples, it was not going to receive Him and He may have skipped a stop and spent more time on fertile ground. You might say, 'If only Jesus were here, He would get them to believe.' Not necessarily, dear evangelist. For if they do not receive you, they will not receive Him either. In fact, when you are sharing His word, Jesus is there by His Spirit. He can do everything that He could do if He were physically present. So, trust Him, and share His message with people.